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Do your, your business or community organisation wish to apply for a grant to have an AED supplied by Heart of the Nation? 

If so, please fill out the form below, and we will notify you if you are successful in receiving an AED supplied by Heart of the Nation via our access to grant funding.

Information about our Grants

Heart of the Nation is an initiative of registered Australian charity, Our National Heart Pty Limited. 

As a charity, we receive donations and apply for various grants, which means that from time to time, and in certain areas, we may have access to funds that allow us to make donations of AED packages to the community. 

We will assess each application for an AED package on its merits, but will award them to each individual or organisation based on the following criteria:


  1. Is the organisation a not for profit entity or charitable organisation? (Preference will be given to NFP's rather than commercial entities, but commercial entities will not be excluded from applying - their application will still be assessed against all other criteria).

  2. Will the AED be installed in a location where it can be accessed by any member of the community on a 24/7 basis? (This is on the proviso that you have permission from the owner of the building or landlord to install the AED, as well as from any body corporate or Council if applicable).

  3. How many people will the AED serve?  That is, how many people will have access to it over a 12-month period.

  4. Is there someone who will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the AED, including regular monthly inspections and replacing the pads and battery prior to the expiry date?

Once you are successful in obtaining a grant to receive an AED package, you or your organisation will take on the ownership of the AED, and the ongoing maintenance responsibilities.

If you can meet the above criteria and are happy to accept the terms and conditions of ownership and ongoing maintenance, then your application will be viewed as favourable.  There is no guarantee that even if you meet the above criteria that any application will be successful.

Based on your application we will work with you to tailor a solution to meet your needs, including educating you the variety of AED brand options available.

Apply here!

Heart of the Nation AED Grants
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