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Join Us in Saving Lives and Strengthening Communities 

Become a Heart of the Nation Sponsor

At Heart of the Nation, our mission is to save lives from sudden cardiac arrest through awareness, education, and community support. We envision a world where everyone is equipped and empowered to respond in a sudden cardiac arrest event, making every community a Heart of the Nation community with a 24/7 accessible AED within 1 minute of every location. 

Imagine a world where every heartbeat is protected, where every person has the knowledge, skills and tools to save a life.  

This is the world we are building at Heart of the Nation, and with your help, we can make it a reality. 

Why your Sponsorship Matters

As an annual sponsor of Heart of the Nation, your contribution will directly support our life-saving initiatives and make you a vital part of a compassionate community dedicated to making a real difference. 

Empowering Your Community with Life-Saving Skills

Provide your team with comprehensive First Aid, CPR, and AED training. Imagine the peace of mind knowing your employees are equipped to handle emergencies, potentially saving a loved one's life. And if you’re an individual donating, that’s okay. Grab a group of at least 10 friends or colleagues to take the course. 

Leveraging the Power of a Trusted Voice 

Have our CEO and founder, Greg Page, to appear at your talks, webinars, trade shows, and video endorsements. Picture the influence and inspiration his presence can bring to your events and campaigns. 

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Showcasing Your Commitment to Life-Saving Initiatives 

Gain exclusive recognition as an official sponsor on our website and marketing materials. Let your customers and community see your dedication to making a difference, reinforcing their trust and loyalty. 

Staying Ahead with Priority Access

Receive early access to our events, workshops, and new initiatives. Stay informed and engaged with the latest life-saving knowledge and opportunities. 

Collaborate with Us on Your Campaigns 

Partner with Heart of the Nation to enhance your sales and marketing efforts. Together, we can create impactful campaigns that highlight your commitment to community well-being and life-saving initiatives. Our team is ready to work with you to develop custom content, co-branded materials, and joint events that resonate with your audience and amplify your message at heavily discounted rates. 

How Your Support Makes a Difference 

Every dollar you contribute helps build a safer, more prepared community. Your support enables us to: 

  • Help us improve and expand our national AED register and the Heart of the Nation App. With this app, you can call 000, alert nearby registered responders, and find the 10 closest AEDs within a 5-kilometre radius anywhere in Australia during a sudden cardiac arrest. 

  • Provide life-saving training programs to individuals and organisations. 

  • Expand our reach, ensuring more communities have access to accessible AEDs. 

It's not just a sponsorship; it's an investment in the lives of those around you. 

Become a Heart of the Nation Sponsor Today

Our tiered sponsorship packages to cater to different levels of corporate engagement and investment. By becoming a sponsor, your organisation can make a significant impact while gaining valuable exposure and benefits. 

Join us in our mission to save lives and strengthen communities. By becoming an official sponsor of Heart of the Nation, enjoying exclusive benefits while making a profound impact. 

Together, we can turn every heartbeat into a lifeline.

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