Terms and Conditions

1. The competition is open to all residents of Australia, except for employees of, or relatives of employees of Our National Heart Pty Limited (Trading as Heart of the Nation Australia).
2. Participants in the competition must use a valid AED Hunter Code which will be provided to them by Heart of the Nation upon submitting a successful registration to be eligible for the competition.
3. Only AEDs that are not already registered to the Heart of the Nation network of AEDs (that is, those which are not already showing on the Heart of the Nation app, or that are shown on the Heart of the Nation website (www.heartofthenation.com.au/locations) and accompanied by a valid AED Hunter Code will be eligible to qualify the Hunter for any prizes.
4. Each month, the AED Hunter with the most valid registrations of AEDs to the Heart of the Nation network, will receive a $100 Bunnings Gift Card. The first 3 AED owners to register a new AED using a valid AED Hunter Code will receive a luxury accommodation discount voucher.
5. At December 31st, 2023, the AED Hunter with the most valid AED registrations using their Hunter Code, over the course of the calendar year (January 1 to December 31, 2023), will receive an Apple iPad Pro, PLUS 2 nights accommodation at the Crocodile Hunter Lodge, at Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast, thanks to our friends at Australia Zoo PLUS a $500 Heart of the Nation (Mastercard/Visa) Gift Card to use for whatever you like! The winner of this prize must pay for their own travel arrangements to and from the Crocodile Hunter Lodge, as well as any food and beverage expenditure, and entry to Australia Zoo (if they choose to visit the Zoo).
6. The AED Hunter with the second-highest number of valid AED registrations over the course of the calendar year (January 1 to December 31, 2023), will receive a $100 Bunnings Gift Card, PLUS a luxury accommodation discount voucher, PLUS a $100 Heart of the Nation (Mastercard/Visa) Gift Card. The AED Hunter with the third, fourth, and fifth-highest number of valid AED registrations over the course of the calendar year will receive a $100 Heart of the Nation (Mastercard/Visa) Gift Card, PLUS a luxury accommodation discount voucher.
7. Heart of the Nation reserves the right to adjudicate this competition in accordance with these terms and conditions, and n o further correspondence will be entered into.
8. The luxury accommodation discount vouchers, Bunnings Gift Cards and Visa Gift cards are provided by third parties, and have their own T's and C's relating to their use. To view these specific T's and C's, please see the following websites:
Luxury Accommodation Discount Vouchers
Heart of the Nation (Mastercard/Visa) Gift Cards